Pleasing yourself as a ritual …. Sex coaching involves a lot of moving parts and different techniques to try before you find the “aha moment.”

One of the more far out there concepts that I work with and am certified in, is Sex Magik. It is not about making spells or dancing naked under the full moon (although that might be enlightening), Sex Magick is simply connecting to the different energy blockages in your body and using the healing beautiful power of orgasm to move your blocks and to release and to empower you all at once. 

(On a  side note, energy is the one fundamental truth that is held in all sciences and in some form, in all religions. On a quantum level we are all energy, energy never dissolves and is in all things. We are made of the same energy that the stars, the ocean and all humans throughout history are made of. That’s pretty powerful.) 

You Hara is the center where we hold a lot of blocked energy. It is also the area of your body that when accessed can have the most dramatic and show the quickest changes. 

The Hara is where the body holds our sex organs which give life (both in men and women), it is physically located approximately  2” below your belly button. This area is considered the focal point which give, sustains and takes away life. 

Your Hara connection is critical in working with Sex Magick.  In Sex Magick, one of the most powerful aspects, is when we are connecting and opening ourselves to life and releasing past traumas. Connecting by breath and feeling this space open is a simple beginning. One exercise to get in tune with this center is to  imagine branches, light, beams or some form of connecting visual, that is literally coming out of this center and plowing thorough the earth connecting you, grounding you, planting you to the earths energy. 

Once you have truly mastered this step, the next is where the sex comes in. One way to begin to play with or discover Sex Magick is to think about something positive, you want in your life. Write out a simple phrase for this (examples: “I want to be a healthy weight” “I am now open to love” “I am releasing any negatives around money”). Now comes the more artistic part, you are going to take away all the vowels and any letter that repeats. (Example: “I am open to love” = M P N T L V). Take what is left and make your own sigil or symbol with these letters.  Draw this out where they all connect or dissolve into each other so you do not see where one begins or another ends (You can paint, use a pen or crayons. What ever moves and connects you). Keep this drawing in front of you. 

Here’s the fun part, time to masturbate! Do not use porn or any other images depicting sex. Begin to think about your goal, your statement. Really connect inside with this. Feel it (this is usually the hardest part for people). Connect with your breath that you used previously in the Hara exercise. Again, begin to feel this deep within your belly. Stay focused and look at your symbol/Sigil when you began to feel orgasm arising. The moment your orgasm begins, breath out! Very important to let go, not do the typical inhalation and tensing of muscles we often do when orgasming. Once this is released, usually clients feel a sense of relief, often times crying with joy. 

There are more detailed steps to get the most out of Sex Magick and Hara work, but this is a wonderful introduction for anyone wanting to test the waters and see how connected we truly are with not only the energy  around us, but to feel our own magical magnetic energy field. You will feel an amazing connection and a boost of energy. Have fun playing with this, and feel free to bring in a partner. It can be done with actual sex, not just masturbation, but make sure you are on the same energy plane and have a connection of trust.

If you’d like to know more about Sex Magick please contact me