Hypnosis for self-improvement….
There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of self-help courses available in an instant. Books have been promising they can give us the one special thing to succeed that we are missing. Gurus have that special particular way of thinking, that if you master, all your dreams will come true. If you want the easiest of all, well there are potions, oils, spells and even someone will pray for you, for the right price so you can reach your goal with no effort.
Anything that gives us these promises all have one thing in common, they all will make it easy for you. But true change, life long change is not always easy. We are always looking outside of ourselves for someone else who has the answers, someone who can do it for us or give us a trick that will make everything better.
Guess what, there are no tricks. There is only personal responsibility and daily effort to make long lasting changes.
Even with hypnosis, it is not magic. You will not quit smoking if it is not something you truly want. Even then, hypnotherapy cannot make your physical withdrawals just vanish and go away. What hypnosis can help you with are the cravings, the actual act or habit of picking up a cigarette or the lack of pleasure you will receive if you do light that cigarette. But you still have to want it and not want just the idea of it. You still have to have some self control and self responsibility.
I had a client who came to me for weight loss. He was 100 lbs overweight. The only thing I asked him was to give up just one cookie a day. He said, “No. They’re my only treat.” So what was left that I could do for him, not much. He truly wanted no personal responsibility, only a quick fix.
Your mind has millions of neural pathways that overtime have turned little habits (think of them as small streams), into life long fundamental beliefs (think of these as enormous deep lakes, even waterfalls). These beliefs are what can turn into bad habits, but the difference between hypnosis and that thousand dollar course promising you how to think positively and everything will get better, is that hypnosis goes deep into these pathways and at a subconscious level begins to divert them in another direction.
Does it always work, no. Does it work more often than not, YES. The key is it must be something you truly want (not want to want) and it can take more than one session (the average is 1-4 depending on the habit and the triggers). It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. If you have more questions about hypnotherapy please contact me Laura@PrimitiveBlance.com